About innogy
A multinational utilities company that addresses the requirements of a modern, decarbonised, decentralised and digital energy world.

We've accepted the challenge to help RWE transform into innogy.

Our Approach
Working with RWE for some time as one of their creative studios, we’ve worked on several marketing campaigns both for business clients and their customers. Naturally, we’ve been eager to accept the challenge to help transform RWE into innogy.
FulFully embracing the new brand manual, we’ve helped to rebrand one of RWE’s businesses in energy efficiency with focus on UX tweaks to increase their lead generation. This was consequently integrated into their offline marketing. Other creative assignments are focused on communicating the new brand to key business partners.

Mission Completed.
One of RWE’s businesses is already fully embracing the new innogy identity while our work continues on further business-to-business and business-to-customer projects.