About diawin
A medical supplies company specialising on diabetes and its effects. Committed to dramatically increase the quality of life of its customers.

We've accepted the challenge to create a contemporary medical brand.

Our Approach
Working closely with diawin, we’ve got a detailed understanding of the problematics associated with the diabetic foot. a thorough research and talks with diabetic patients has lead us to our primary hypotheses. Next, we’ve set out to validate or falsify them creating a valid sample of more than 300 relevant responses featuring both doctors and customers.
By mapping out the customer journey, we’ve identified every touchpoint where and how would customers encounter the brand. This was a particularly important step to fully develop one of the most important pillar of communication: educating customers about diabetes’ potential threats.

Mission Completed.
To build a new identity, clean and vibrant graphics were adopted throughout the entire product line: package, marketing and educational materials available both online and offline. at this early stage of branding we’re following ‘product first’ philosophy.